სსიპ. სოხუმის  ილია  ვეკუას ფიზიკა-ტექნიკის ინსტიტუტი
გამოქვეყნებული  პუბლიკაციები
2020 წ.
1. B. Bendeliani, G. Dgebuadze,  Z.Azmaiparashvili,G. Bokuchava, I.Metskhvarishvili.
Virtual Liquid Nitrogen Level and Cryotemperatures Meter.
Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 14, no. 2, 2020, pp.50-54. 

2.Ф.Басария, Г.Дарсавелидзе, Я.Табатадзе.

Scientific-technical journal “Energy” , 2020 

3. R. Shamugia.

Development of an Analytical Model of the Process of Cybersecurity Protection of Distributed Information Systems of Critical Infrastructure, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences (IJCNS). ID 9702381 

4. N. Jalagonia, N. Darakhvelidze, E. Sanaia, L.  Kalatozishvili, S.  Mikaberidze, G.Bokuchava, T. Kuchukhidze.

Preparation of polymer Nanocomposites based on graphene derivatives.
Chapter in Book of   International Scientific Conference "Сhemical and Тechnological Aspects оf Biopolymers. 2020

5. И. Курашвили, Т. Кимеридзе, Д. Мхеидзе, М. Кадария, Т. Мелашвили, Н. Гоголашвили, Г. Дарсавелидзе.

Влияние термических отжигов на электрофизические и неупругие характеристики монокристаллов Si и сплава Si+0,5ат.%Ge:P.
Scientific-technical journal “Energy” , 2020 

6.I.R. Metskhvarishvili, G.N. Dgebuadze, T.E. Lobzhanidze, B.G. Bendeliani, M.R. Metskhvarishvili, K.P. Giorgadze, V.M. Gabunia
Influence of Dysprosium Addition on the Phase Formation and Transport Properties of Hg-1223 Superconductor
Journal of  Superconductivity and Novel  Magnetism, 2020, Volume 33, Number 11. 3401-3405, 2020  

7.I.R. Metskhvarishvili, T.E. Lobzhanidze, G.N. Dgebuadze, B.G. Bendeliani, M.R. Metskhvarishvili, V.M. Gabunia
Sol-gel (SG) and solid-state reaction (SSR) approach and influence of heat treatment on precursor for the synthesis of Tl-1223 superconductors
Research Square, Preprints, Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature 2020  
